VINTAGE Pocket Rocket Invisible Rising Card by Zanadu M10
VINTAGE Pocket Rocket Invisible Rising Card by Zanadu M10
Zanadu's Invisible Rising Card using Jumbo cards was released soon after David Copperfield performed Martin Lewis' Cardiographic. The effect was so popular Zanadu put out the Pocket Rocket.
You show an empty white frame. Have a card selected as you proceed to tell them you will draw a card in the center of the frame that will come to life and that the selected card will rise right out of the drawing.
A card is selected.
A card is drawn.
The drawing comes to life as you remove a real card from the frame.
Its the wrong card and they will tell you so.
Draw a 3D image of a full deck around the card.
Then the selected card rises up out of the hybrid drawing/real card, dekc that you have created.
Easy to do.
Requires Dry Erase Marker and Deck of cards.