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USED The Juggling Book by Carlo

USED The Juggling Book by Carlo

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USED BOOK The Juggling Book by Carlo

Soft Cover Very Good Condition 1974 Vintage Books A Division of Random House

By Dean Anderson on January 5, 2014 Format: Paperback This book is a really good place to start for kids or adults that want to learn all of the basics of juggling and a few extras to get you started towards becoming an accomplished juggler. The text reads a little bit "hippie" today, but don't let that dissuade you from getting it. The concepts Carlo offers are solid, and the techniques he provides, if followed, will teach you what you need to know to juggle balls, clubs and be able to do a host of tricks. Though you won't need to build your own juggling clubs as Carlo suggests here (there are plenty of manufacturers out there for such stuff), there are instructions for doing that, as well as methods to learn various multi ball tricks and some other useful info.

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