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Lollipops Trick by Magic Tricks (M12)

Lollipops Trick by Magic Tricks (M12)

Regular price $7.99 USD
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Bring out a brown paper bag. Reach into the bag for a red lollipop. Put the lollipop back into the back and say the magic words. Now, reach into the bag and the lollipop has changed to yellow! Put the lollipop back in the bag. Again say the magic words. Reach into the bag, and the lollipop has changed to green. By now, you audience is catching on to you -- you've got a whole bunch of lollipops in the bag. Put the green lollipop into the bag. Say the magic words. And it changes to blue! Put the blue lollipop into your pocket. The kids will demand that you show them the inside of the bag -- they know there's more lollipops there. So, you do -- you show them that the bag is empty. You can even tear it up!

Alternate presentation:
You reach into a paper bag and remove a red cherry lollipop and show it to the audience. Replace it into the bag and remove another flavor, a lime one. Replace it and remove another, this time lemon. Put that in the bag and take out a grape one.
Put the grape lolli in your pocket to save it for later. And give the bag of the remaining lollipops to the audience. To their surprise, the bag is empty or filled with other items or candies!

Perfect for a children's party, clowning, walk around and even for beginners.

Great magic at a great price!



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